Event Promotion + Marketing

Nina Wong™ Signature Sauces + Syrups

During The Homegrown Experience, a local, sustainable and organic food, wine and beer event in Minneapolis, local chef and restaurateur Nina Wong had the opportunity to present and demonstrate the uses of her new signature sauces and syrups to a large number of prospective buyers — both retailers and consumers.


In advance of the event, targeted retailers received a personalized invitation to stop by the Nina Wong booth for a gift basket of sample bottles, and were invited to stay for the product demonstrations while sitting in front-row VIP seats. 


Having just completed the Nina Wong™ brand identity and packaging, Fuego Design created double-sided, freestanding banner signage that could be placed alongside the product demonstration area during Nina’s presentation. The banners’ vivid colors and clean design (as well as scale) not only served to get noticed by seated attendees, but also by those passing through, and reinforced the brand’s name, identity, product line and uses. Support collateral was produced as giveaways to drive purchases and assist with using the products in recipes.


All in all, the event campaign went off as well-thought-out (which it was) and confirmed that Nina is a serious niche contender who is ready for the big time (which she is).

The result? The effort captured the attention of one of the largest, most prestigious chain of supermarkets in the area who picked up the Nina Wong™ Signature Sauces + Syrups line of products to sell in its stores. Shazam!